When you’re planning a road trip, make sure you account for these road trips tips so you can get to your destination safely and comfortably.

You need to plan in advance for your road trip and we’re not just talking about packing. “Highway hypnosis” is quite common when travelers haven’t prepared for the endurance demands of an extended haul.

With that statistic in mind, you should take steps to prepare for long drives before you get behind the wheel—and to stay alert and energized throughout your trip. These tips for long drives will help you down the road.

1. Sleep and Well Rested before your Drive

Think about exhaustion before you begin your journey, not after. Get at least seven hours of sleep for two consecutive nights before the road trip to build up your energy reserves. It’s best to start in the morning after a good night’s sleep, not after a long, tiring day of work (unless you plan to stop). Take regular breaks along the way to stay fresh and alert, stopping roughly every 100 miles or two hours. Driving after a lunch break is difficult as the body is drowsy and sleepy. Remember to plan stops that will help you refresh and stay alter and snack on healthy items than having a huge meal.

2. Healthy Snacks for the Road

Carrying along a variety of vitamin-packed, healthy foods will allow you to get by on smaller snacks throughout the long drive, while skipping the fast-food stops. Dry and fresh fruits and juices will keep you alert and full for the duration of the drive. Do not starve your self and have a light sandwich on your stops.

3. Stay Hydrated

Keep the water supply well-stocked for maximum energy. Keeping in mind your bathroom stops drink plenty of fluids as they will keep you alert. Lack of water in you body will result in an inactive mind and drowsiness. Keep water in you vehicle for the whole road trip.

4. Plan your Rest Stops

One of the most crucial tips for road trips is to get out of your car and stretch your legs every two hours. Plan these stops into your long drive, whether they fall at mealtimes or can be timed to let you view interesting places and take pictures.

5. Chew Gum

The repetitive process increases circulation and alertness. Sugar gives you a boost of energy and helps you stay active. The process of chewing also keeps you focused on the activity on hand.

6. Get Rid of Bad Smells

During long-distance driving, the car and vehicle smell are very unpleasant. This unwelcoming smell can lead to discomfort and nauseous and ruin the experience. It is best to make sure the car has no smell or leakage inside and if you are very sensitive to such smell keep peppermint scent or other such fragrance nearby. A favorite smell will also keep the mind fresh while driving.


7. Sit up straight

Make sure your seat is adjusted properly for your body, tilted for maximum blood flow. If you feel a driving “trance” coming on, sit up. Dont tense up your body while driving. Keep in the car seat at the most comfortable angle and position.

8. Keep passengers entertained

Long drives with family and especially with kids can often lead to bickering. That kind of aggravation leads to driver fatigue. So make sure children are entertained with books, puzzles, and other time-killing diversions. On the flip side, road trip games such as ‘find the license plate, I Spy, Name the Song’ are great for keeping everyone engaged with one another.

9. Listen to something Fun

Create a music file that will keep you alert and happy. Sing along as this is good brain exercise and also help you enjoy the drive. Another option is to get audiobooks that will help keep the brain active, without creating a dangerous distraction. Choose a funny and interesting subject or topic.

10. Keep Helpline Number on Phone

In addition to safe driving habits, make sure you have the helpline number for emergencies. Any roadside mishap or car problem can turn into big trouble. So know who to call in such scenarios. And if you witness any other people in need of help don’t hesitate to call the authorities who can provide assistance.

11. Wear something Comfortable

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